Eleven years. It’s been eleven years since I made the life-altering decision to stop eating meat, a journey that began at the close of December 2013. And let me tell you, it’s been nothing short of an incredible adventure—one filled with lessons, growth, and moments that have challenged everything I once thought I knew. There have been highs, there have been lows, and a lot of eye-opening experiences along the way. But one thing is for sure: I am a new person now, with a heart full of compassion, a mind that looks at the world differently, and a sense of peace I never thought possible.
When I first started this journey, I didn’t know what veganism or a plant-based lifestyle truly meant. I was just a regular guy who cracked bacon jokes and rolled my eyes at the idea of living without meat. In fact, I used to make fun of non-meat eaters, calling them extreme and stubborn. Never did I imagine that I would one day join their ranks. And yet, here I am today.
For years, I would take part in a 30-day meat-free fast twice a year for spiritual reasons. May and October were my months to disconnect from the flesh of animals, and while I did it, I couldn’t help but notice the physical and mental benefits that came with it. But every time that fast ended, I would rush to devour my favourite chicken wings, drenched in hot sauce. It was “normal” back then, right? The familiar routine I had grown comfortable with.
But over time, something started to change within me. I began to see things differently. As a meat-eater, hearing the stories of animal cruelty, of the horrors that animals endure, especially in factory farms, made me uncomfortable. And like many, I did what most people do—I ignored it. I didn’t want to confront it. “They’re just animals,” I would tell myself, distancing my thoughts from the reality of their suffering.
Then, on the night of December 24, 2013, everything changed. My beloved dog, Achilla, passed away in my arms. She wasn’t just a pet to me; she was my best friend, my constant companion. I had adopted her from a shelter where she had been severely abused. She had been so frightened of people, of life itself. But we built something special together. She was my confidante, the one creature who knew me better than anyone. She would follow me around the room, her little eyes always on me, seeking comfort, seeking love.
That night, as I held her in my arms and whispered my thanks to her, she looked up at me with those big brown eyes one last time. She gave me a kiss, and as I told her it was okay to let go, she did. She waited for my blessing. My heart shattered as I felt her soul leave her tiny body. My best friend was gone. And as I buried her the next day, I couldn’t stop asking myself: How could I continue eating animals?

How could I partake in something so senseless when I had experienced firsthand how deep the bond between a human and an animal can be? That was the moment I made my decision. I would never again consume the flesh of another sentient being. It was in honour of Achilla, my sweet dog who had taught me the true meaning of love and loyalty.
In the beginning, I was a pescatarian, eating only fish. But soon, I found myself evolving further, eventually becoming 100% vegetarian. Today, I am as close to a vegan lifestyle as I can be, always striving to reduce my impact on this planet. I no longer use eggs, cheese, or milk in my daily life, although I do occasionally consume them when eating out. The transition wasn’t easy, but every day it becomes more natural. Soy milk has even become a new favourite!
The more I learn, the more I realise how deeply ingrained the cruelty of factory farming has become in our society. We have normalised the suffering of animals—force-feeding them, abusing them, manipulating them for profit. I cannot, in good conscience, be a part of that anymore. And while one person may feel insignificant in the grand scheme of things, I know that my choice to live with compassion, to strive for a life that causes the least harm, matters.
There are many reasons why someone might choose to give up meat: health, spirituality, compassion for animals. For me, it was all of those things. But the core reason, the one that still resonates with me every single day, is love. I love animals. And through this journey, I’ve learned that animals are sentient beings, with emotions, intelligence, and the capacity to form bonds. They deserve better than the lives we have forced upon them.
This post isn’t meant to preach about the benefits of a meat-free lifestyle or to convince you that eating animals is wrong. It’s simply my story—a reflection of why I made the choice to embrace a kinder, more compassionate way of life. My decision to stop eating meat isn’t just about me. It’s about honouring the memory of my dear Achilla, and continuing the love she showed me every day of her life.
So, to anyone reading this: remember, animals are not food. They are friends. Love yourself, but also take care of those who cannot speak for themselves.
3 thoughts on “Why I Stopped Eating Animals and Embraced More Kindness”