Have you ever noticed that when you’re on the phone with someone, you tend to walk around aimlessly? You might find yourself pacing around your living room, strolling down the street, or even wandering around your office. It’s a strange phenomenon that many people have experienced, but have you ever stopped to wonder why it happens?
Well, according to a new study, the reason we walk around when talking on the phone is because our brains are desperately trying to find the person we’re speaking with. You see, when we’re face-to-face with someone, our brains can easily visualize them and process their words and gestures. But when we’re on the phone, our brains are unable to see the person, which causes them to go into overdrive trying to locate them.
In other words, when you’re walking around aimlessly on the phone, you’re essentially trying to track down the person you’re speaking with like a bloodhound following a scent. It’s a subconscious process that we don’t even realize is happening, but it’s a crucial part of how our brains process information when we’re on the phone.
But why do our brains have this strange quirk? According to the researchers, it’s likely because our brains evolved to be highly attuned to the people and objects around us. In the past, our ancestors relied on their ability to track down and interact with other members of their tribe in order to survive. And while we no longer live in the wild, our brains still retain this ancient instinct to locate the people we’re speaking with.
So the next time you find yourself walking around aimlessly while on the phone, don’t worry – you’re not crazy, you’re just trying to find the person you’re speaking with. And who knows, maybe one day our brains will evolve to the point where we can visualize the person on the other end of the phone without having to walk around like a maniac. Until then, happy hunting!