2 thoughts on “Unlearning in Order to Learn: Resting Guilt Free

  1. I am so happy I found your blog . My cousin actaully posted your article about LGBTQIA+ on his status and I decided to read more your articles and I am impressed and interested.As an ex blogger myself I have been looking for a blog that touches on such topics.

    This particular article speaks to me because I have the same problem as you . I have a lot of guilt from my childhood traumas and expiriences that they affect my me time . I can’t relax lol I tried ! I even plan for it but I end finding something to do and then get upset that I didn’t rest ! Only last week I was on leave and I managed to do chores and only after that did I spend the remainder of the days relaxing or trying .

    I ma happy to see that I am not alone. I too have no solution but I am pushing to find out. All the best to you and thanks for sharing

    1. Thank you so much for the kind words. Makes me happy to hear when people find my little blog and enjoy it ?? appreciate it. Also thanks for sharing and remember to relax guilt free haha.

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