We are thrilled to announce the winner of the R20 000 brand competition from The Kreative Cave! We had an overwhelming response to this competition and it’s been great to see so many local business owners and entrepreneurs looking to elevate their brands. We appreciate all of the entries and thank you for your support.
After a rigorous vetting process to ensure that all the criteria were met, we used www.commentpicker.com, an online algorithm tool that chooses a winner at random to select the lucky winner. This ensures transparency and that all the criteria was followed.
Without further ado, the winner of the complete brand package valued at R20 000
from The Kreative Cave is:
Brand Viljoen Photography

Congratulations, The team cannot wait to work with you to elevate your brand to the next level.
This was his entry:

The direct link to the winner announcement is https://commentpicker.com/?id=fbcp_63f321abd361b397
We would also like to thank all the participants who took part in the competition. We appreciate your efforts in liking our pages, commenting on the post, and sharing it with your friends. Although there can only be one winner, we hope that the competition was an opportunity for everyone to learn more about The Kreative Cave and their commitment to helping businesses grow and succeed.
Please remember that this competition was open to South African residents only, and the winner will have 6 months from the date of announcement to use their prize and take advantage of all the benefits from The Kreative Cave team.
Thank you again to everyone who participated, and congratulations once again to Brand Viljoen! #BrandCompetition #WinBig #TheKreativeCave #TheSomethingGuy #SouthAfrica