There’s no need for a fancy start here. This is about an average millennial struggling to take care of mental health while also dealing with old family problems handed down since childhood. We hear “it’s all in your head” at the same time as “be a man, shake it off”. It’s tough being an adult when we often don’t even know how to take care of ourselves properly. We’re clueless about the basics. Then, when you start learning more about who you are, how to live with yourself, you get stuck in a loop of wondering how to escape this way of thinking.
Having knowledge is one thing, but using it practically so you can say “Hey, I’m okay now” is a whole other challenge.
When we’re alone, that’s when we face the hardest times. I’m here feeling as though my energy is slowly being drained, while at the same time, I’m trying desperately to not let myself sink too low. I need to be able to get back up. But sometimes, I just keep falling.
The world wasn’t built for those with creative minds, for the curious to explore, or for the bold to do the unimaginable. It’s a place designed for controlled chaos and limited freedom. Just control.
We have bills to pay. Chores to do. We need to follow societal rules to be seen as a ‘good person’. If you step out of line, do something different, you become an outsider, looked down on.
But what if we could be happier simply by living life? What if we could all be ourselves without hiding? What if?
Life keeps moving, we keep ageing. The more wisdom we gain, the less we seem to know. For those who get it, they get it. For those who don’t understand, I envy you. Don’t go seeking to understand things you feel no pull towards, because once you experience them, you can’t undo it.
Not many people will listen when you share your experiences, even fewer will really hear you.
I don’t quite know why I wrote this. But maybe it’s a way for me to let out some of my feelings today. Life is tough. Take your meds, go for a walk, brush your teeth, make your bed and wish yourself the best. That’s all we can do sometimes. Life teaches us lessons. The people who look up to you are seeking something bigger than themselves to believe in. You put on a brave face, a smile, because you can’t let them down. If you do, they might not make it. They’re still trying, and you are too. I think I’m trying. Yes, I am.
Life keeps throwing curveballs at us. Advice is easy to give but hard to take. It’s easy to listen but even harder to really understand until you’re in the same boat. I’ve lived with depression my whole life. I recall my first dark thoughts at age 10, and now, almost 34, I’m still here. I’m a lot wiser, a lot smarter, and I understand the science behind what’s happening in my brain. But it’s still hard. Do what you can. Be your best. Sometimes to save yourself, you have to let yourself fall, just enough to ensure you can still get back up. When you’re ready. Always being strong is tiring. The world expects so much from each of us. It’s exhausting. Take care, friends.