Mr. Meeseeks, an unforgettable character from the widely popular animated science fiction sitcom Rick and Morty, is a creature that can be summoned into existence by pressing a blue button on a peculiar device known as the Meeseeks Box. The sole purpose of a Meeseeks’ existence is to fulfil a specific task for the individual who summoned it. Once the task is completed to satisfaction, it vanishes into thin air.
“Ooooh, I’m Mr. Meeseeks! Look At Me!”

The aesthetic of Mr. Meeseeks is as unique and eccentric as his existential purpose. He boasts an elongated rectangular physique, with blue-toned skin, thin, lanky arms and legs, and a large, round head adorned with two expansive black eyes and a wide, beaming smile. His voice is high-pitched, filled with an infectious cheerfulness and boundless energy.
However, beneath his jolly exterior, Mr. Meeseeks harbours a profound sadness and existential despair. In essence, he is a servant, bound by his existence to fulfil the whims and desires of anyone who summons him. His existence is transient, disappearing as soon as his task is accomplished, which denies him the opportunity to experience life’s simple joys or the gratification derived from a job well done.

This existential despair is poignantly portrayed in the episode “Meeseeks and Destroy”, where a group of Meeseeks is conjured to aid Jerry in improving his golf skills. The Meeseeks, initially thrilled to assist Jerry, gradually descend into madness as the task becomes increasingly complex and Jerry’s demands escalate. One Meeseeks even pleads with Rick to terminate its existence, seeking a desperate escape from its misery.
Yet, despite their profound suffering, the Meeseeks are loyal to a fault, willing to go to great lengths to accomplish their tasks. In the same episode, a Meeseeks by the name of Mr. Meeseeks #2 even jeopardises his existence to rescue Jerry from a gargantuan gopher.
Mr. Meeseeks, with his quirky persona and unique existence, serves as a thought-provoking commentary on the nature of existence and the quest for life’s meaning. Despite his cheery facade and squeaky voice, Mr. Meeseeks is a character steeped in despair, trapped in an endless cycle of servitude and suffering. Yet, in the face of his torment, he remains staunchly loyal and committed to his task, even if it means risking his ephemeral existence.