Let me tell you a tale, a tale that begins with a sprinkle of fairy dust and ends with a resounding applause. This is the story of Peter Pan, a magical adventure that once again lights up The Mandela Stage at Joburg Theatre. Yes, you heard it right, Janice Honeyman’s legendary pantomime, Peter Pan, is back from November 3rd to December 24th, 2023!

Remember how we felt the joy and magic of the pantomime last year? Well, Joburg Theatre has promised to whisk us back to the enchanting Neverland, filled with quirky characters, dynamic songs, and a spectacle of dance. Xoliswa Nduneni-Ngema, the CEO of Joburg Theatre, is buzzing with excitement, and so should you. “Peter Pan has always been an audience favourite and this year we have lots of surprises and even more fun for the whole family,” she promises.
Pack your happy thoughts, gather your fairy dust, and fasten your seatbelts. We’re taking off to the mystical land with Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, the Darling children, and a host of other exciting characters.
This is the third time that Joburg Theatre is presenting this classic tale by J.M. Barrie. But don’t think it’ll be the same old show, oh no. The script has been refreshed, the cast is brimming with talent, and the stage is set to incorporate modern LED screens alongside traditional pantomime props.
Janice Honeyman, the director of the pantomime, shares her passion for the story. She says, “What I’m trying to do this year, to differentiate from the last two Peter Pan productions, is to highlight more issues that children, teenagers and young adults deal with, like bullying, being left out, feelings of rejection…” This is not just a show, it’s an experience that mirrors our lives, capturing our dreams, our fears, and our desires.
The cast this year is a fine mix of new and familiar faces. Peter Pan is played by the talented Sandi Dlangalala, making his debut in a Janice Honeyman pantomime. He’s no stranger to the stage, with a Naledi Award for Best Performance for a Young Audience to his name.
Ben Voss returns as Captain Hook, a role he brings to life with the same vigour he showed as the Evil Queen Hildagona and Abanazar in previous Honeyman Pantomimes. His sidekick Smee is played by Michael Richard, a seasoned actor who has spent 49 years in TV shows, films, musicals and theatre.
Wendy is played by Kiruna-Lind Devar, a name you might remember from ‘Saturday Night Fever’, ‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat’, and ‘The Phantom of the Opera’. The lovely newcomer Virtuous Kandemiri will charm us as Tinkerbell, adding her pixie dust to the show.
With a cast like this, and a crew featuring the likes of Dale-Ray Scheepers, Khaya Ndlovu, Johan Ferreira and Andrew Timm, you know you’re in for a ride.
So, pull up your socks and ready your applause. The curtains will soon lift on another riveting Janice Honeyman pantomime. Don’t miss out, grab your tickets from www.joburgtheatre.com or call 0861 670 670. Preview prices start at R130, regular prices start at R190. Student and pensioner prices are available. Early bird prices are available until 31 July 2023 (30% discount on regular performances only, not applicable to preview or school performances), thereafter regular prices apply.
See you in Neverland!