With a career spanning acting, modelling, and influencing, Diaan Grobler is so much more than just that. He’s a force of nature who’s never shied away from the ups and downs life has thrown his way, becoming a beacon of resilience and authenticity. From navigating personal transformations to exploring the ever-evolving world of content creation, this interview covers it all. From some very silly questions to some very serious answers. Take a look into who he is all about this quick conversation feature.

You’re cruising through Johannesburg, wind in your hair, music up. What’s that one jam you’ve got on full blast, belting out every lyric?
This is such a hard question to ask someone who basically considers music an unofficial love language! Brain buffered for a moment there, from my most recently overplayed songs it would be Pappa Probleme by Tasché
Alright, picture two courses on offer: ‘Galactic Languages with Aliens’ and ‘Dance Mastery 101.’ Which wild ride are you hopping on?
Dance Mastery 101 definitely because I’ve never felt really comfortable with my dancing skills I would not mind upping that skill whereby my skill to learn language is much more advanced
If you were magically transformed into a sandwich, what delicious combo would you be?
If I were magically transformed into a sandwich, I would be a mouthwatering combo of… chunky cottage cheese with slices of cucumber, tomato, parma ham and a thin slice of halloumi cheese. It’s so good
They call you an actor, artist, Influencer or even just sunshine! But come on, what’s one thing you’re hilariously bad at?
As I mentioned before my dancing skills ain’t something I can write home to about and it has been very entertaining/cringe-worthy to rewatch the videos where I thought I was killing it only to be humbled very fast. lol I always manage to think that I’m doing okay until I become too self-conscious and try to see what everyone else is doing to not stand out or look ridiculous.

In the glitzy world of influencing and content creation, how do you keep it real? How do you stay grounded and authentic, especially when those tempting brand deals come knocking?
in the glitzy world of influencing and content creation, it first comes down to whether I have relevance and the needed experience/knowledge regarding the said product/service to be able to create and make content for the deal, then the next thing I look at is the creative freedom I am given or allowed to create by that aligns with my style and voice, scripted content for me loses so much authenticity and people immediately pick up if it’s a copy and paste post.I also look to see if the brand actually reposts or acknowledges the influencers they use on their own page or do they just utilize the reach and exposure from the influencers with no credit from their side. Last would be the agreement of the collaboration/deal and if the agreement would be a paid partnership per post or a product-based partnership. Keeping it real regarding my followers, I always go back and reverse the roles, as if I am the follower engaging on a content creator/influencer page or post, I have so much more appreciation when I receive feedback and interaction on profiles and pages I follow that are influencers and content creators themselves and it shows that they value input. It is hard sometimes but I do try to acknowledge, reply and get to all the engagement on my own posts and I know it can get overwhelming, it might not always be immediate but I do in time try to get back to everyone. In a nutshell, for me very important to stay true to yourself and your values & beliefs. I keep it real by always being authentic and genuine in my content( I always try to stay as close to that as I can ) When those tempting brands and deals come across my path, I try to make sure I only only collab with brands that align with my beliefs and that I actually love and use/would use myself. It’s not always easy but it is important to stay grounded and true to who you are.
With the world of content creation changing faster than we can type, and AI tools popping up everywhere, where do you reckon the future of content creation is headed?
With the world of content creation evolving at lightning speed and Al tools becoming more prevalent, I reckon the future of content creation will be a fascinating blend of creativity and technology. AI tools have definitely changed the game of social media and content but there is only so much that can be created/generated by AI until it loses that specific element or style that is like a signature mark for every creator and artist. I stand by the use of these tools that can be an all-in-one solution to help creators who don’t have access to all the tools and software that can be pricey to use but it shouldn’t take away from the artist and creators who put in hours/days and weeks of creating/editing/designing and crafting their content to their desired outcome. Algorithms aiding in creativity and designing are one thing but it can never truly replace creativity and the emotion behind it. So I guess we’ll see even more innovative ways to engage and captivate audiences, like immersive virtual reality experiences and personalized interactive content.
Who’s on your wall of fame? Who are those legends, past and present, that inspire you?
This is a tricky one but growing up and still today I don’t really have significant role models or figures I look up to. I grew up seeing and experiencing people and situations who I don’t want to turn into or end up like and it sounds a bit corny but my motivation and inspiration come from the drive and goal to eventually become and grow into the person that my younger self would’ve needed when nobody else was there at that time.
What’s that spark, that zing, that gets you bouncing out of bed, ready to seize the day?
The spark that gets me bouncing out of bed, ready to seize the day, is the excitement of new possibilities and the joy of connecting with like-minded people. The thrill of my never-ending inquisitive nature that leads to learning and creating something new every day, the hope of making a positive impact even if it is just a small impact cause we know that a drop n matter how small will create a ripple effect
Alright, rewind a year! How do you think you’ve grown or transformed since then?
Looking back a year, I’ve definitely grown in terms of my knowledge and experiences. It’s been a journey of learning and deep self-discovery, pain and heartache. It’s always such a big debate in my head sometimes; the question of how much a person must be hurting or have gone through to turn that anger and pain towards another person? Because for me every time I experience those emotions through other people and find myself being the target for their outlet, the initial thought is to lash back, but I’m learning to become less reactive & very vocally make the people around me aware that this is a boundary I’m putting in place, to pause and wait for the emotional reactive side to dissipate so I can respond and not react, and from their POV, if I see they are being highly reactive I won’t engage until they are ready to engage in a conversation that is responsive and not reactive.
Fast forward 100 years. How do you want the world to remember Diaan? What’s the story you want them to tell?
In 100 years, I hope that the world remembers Diaan as someone who did not bow to the willpower of unquestioned authority, as the person who embodied everything that conformity is not and who encouraged individuality and doing the right thing even when nobody else was doing it, even if it means standing alone in the truth for a while until others caught up. I want to be remembered as the person who made people ask questions that were silenced by the mass of society, the questions that made people gain insight and awareness of themselves. I want to be remembered as the person who did not allow himself to be silenced by the ignorance and prejudice of others, and who inspired other people to live their truth and to embrace their authentic selves. The story of how resilience is a great feat of courage but not something that should ever be required especially from children and to be kind and to start making a difference in the world, we have to start with ourselves.
Imagine a world with no limits: endless time, resources, and all the support you could dream of. What grand, epic adventure or dream are you diving into?
In a world with no limits, endless time, resources, and all the support I could dream of, I would dive into the grand adventure of becoming an influential entrepreneur, Writer & mentor. I would start my own business and brand to create innovative products or services, I would use my reach and platforms to make a positive impact on the world. I’d want to share and learn from as many people and different perspectives as I could and allow my inquisitiveness to be the drive to connect with people, cultures and experiences from all corners of the world. It would be an epic journey of growth, success, and leaving a lasting legacy!

Diaan, What’s the most unexpected plot twist life has thrown your way?
“So, back in 2020, when the whole world went into lockdown, I started going through this big personal and spiritual transformation. It was like waking up in a different realm, realising stuff about myself that I’d never considered before, dealing with as well as healing from things from my past that I was never really ready to face. It was incredibly isolating, but also incredibly eye-opening. I didn’t realise how much of this journey would be having to peel of different layers of yourself that no longer serve you and having to sit with the unhealed parts of yourself while working through those exact unprocessed emotions and wounds.
Fast forward to just after my 25th birthday in 2021, I remember saying I’ve reached my quarter-life crisis but that’s all good because my insurance will now start going down as I get older… and suddenly life threw me a curveball I never anticipated. I was driving home from Centurion to Johannesburg, when this loud bang hit, like a gunshot sound. My car started to lose control, and I had to think on my feet and my body instantly reacted. I knew I had to get to safety, focused on reducing the speed, and I attempted to swerve towards the yellow lane, aiming to stop the car and regain control.
I did manage to stop, but what happened next was a tragedy that’s hard to put into words for me. A person walking in the yellow lane was sadly struck and didn’t survive the accident. It was an awful accident, and I can’t emphasise that enough. That day has stuck with me in a way I can’t forget. It was like an emotional tsunami washed over me, and for a while, I felt stuck in every sense. Physically, emotionally and mentally.
But it also made me rethink my priorities and how I want to live my life moving forward. Since then, I’ve been focusing on taking care of my mental and spiritual well-being. I’ve also been advocating for open discussions about life’s challenges and encouraging everyone to speak up when they’re ready. It makes a world of difference to share your story, and you never know who it might help.”
Follow his journey here: www.poplme.co/diaan