Carrots, those delectable root vegetables adored by rabbits and vitamin-seekers alike, are synonymous with a vibrant shade of orange. But brace yourselves, dear readers, for this tale is a veritable plot twist in the vegetable world. It turns out, carrots weren’t always the orange root rockstars we know them to be. In fact, their ancestral palette spanned hues of purple, white, and yellow.

Let’s turn back the hands of time to when carrots were first domesticated. The setting is ancient Afghanistan, where the humble carrot first took root. These nascent carrots, unlike their modern-day counterparts, sported shades of purple, white, or yellow, and were cherished for their sweet, palatable roots.
As centuries rolled by, the art of carrot cultivation and breeding spread like a vine to different corners of the globe, including Europe. Fast forward to the 16th and 17th centuries, and we find ourselves amidst Dutch carrot cultivators, who, in a horticultural coup, selectively bred carrots to birth the now-ubiquitous orange variety.

The reasoning behind this chromatic shift in carrot evolution isn’t entirely known. One theory purports that the Dutch were attempting to tip their hats to their royal family, the House of Orange. What better way to honour royalty than by creating carrots that mirror the colour of the Dutch flag?
Another hypothesis ventures into the realm of nutrition. Orange carrots, you see, are packed with beta-carotene, a pigment that our bodies happily convert into vitamin A. This vital nutrient is a champion of healthy vision, and a diet teeming with beta-carotene has been linked to a reduced risk of age-related vision decline.
Regardless of the reasons, the emergence of orange carrots marked a pivotal point in the annals of this versatile vegetable’s history. Today, orange carrots dominate supermarket shelves, but their purple, yellow, and white brethren haven’t disappeared entirely. These colourful varieties can be found gracing speciality markets and farmers’ markets, adding a splash of colour and a dash of history to our plates.
So the next time you crunch into a carrot, take a moment to chew over the rich history behind this nutritious and colourful vegetable. Its journey from purple to orange is a testament to the fascinating evolution of our food. Who knew a bite of a carrot could be a bite of history, too?