Is it nice or is it the most disgusting thing you have ever eaten in your life? Today, we’re diving into the tantalising world of taste and exploring a culinary curiosity that has puzzled many a palate. The humble herb cilantro, or as some may know it, coriander, has a divisive flavour that splits the crowd right down the middle. To some, it’s a fresh, zesty delight; to others, it tastes like a mouthful of soap. We’re going on a journey to uncover the soapy secret behind this mysterious herb, while also learning about the role of taste buds and smell in the great cilantro divide.

As a cheeky little plant, cilantro (Coriandrum sativum) has the botanical world all in a tizzy. With its delicate, lacy leaves and vibrant green hue, it’s a popular addition to dishes from around the globe. In the United States, it’s often called cilantro, whilst in South Africa and other countries, it’s more commonly known as coriander. Regardless of the name, it’s the same herb that’s causing taste bud turmoil for some.
But how can something so small be the source of such culinary controversy? The answer, my friends, lies in our genes. You see, some people are genetically predisposed to taste a soapy flavour when they munch on cilantro. This is all thanks to a gene called OR6A2, which encodes for a specific olfactory receptor protein. In other words, the OR6A2 gene controls how we perceive certain smells, and for cilantro haters, it’s a bit of a party pooper.
The OR6A2 gene is particularly sensitive to the smell of aldehydes, a group of organic compounds found in cilantro. Aldehydes are also found in—you guessed it—soap! For those with this gene variation, the aldehydes in cilantro trigger the same olfactory receptors as the soapy stuff, leading to a sudsy sensation in the mouth. The result? A less-than-enjoyable culinary experience.
Our taste buds, those tiny sensory cells on our tongue, also play a crucial role in the cilantro conundrum. While there are five primary taste sensations (sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami), the taste buds of cilantro haters may be more sensitive to the bitter compounds found in the herb. When combined with the soapy smell, it’s a one-two punch that leaves cilantro detractors reeling.

Now, you may be wondering how many people are actually affected by this soapy sensation. Research suggests that it’s not as rare as you might think. Approximately 4-14% of people have a genetic variation in the OR6A2 gene that makes cilantro taste like soap. Interestingly, the prevalence of cilantro aversion varies between populations. Studies have found that around 14% of people of East Asian descent, 7% of people of European descent, and 4% of people of African descent have the gene variation that leads to the soapy cilantro experience.
But fear not, cilantro haters! There is hope for those who wish to enjoy this polarising herb without the soapy aftertaste. Some culinary wizards have discovered ways to lessen the impact of the sudsy sensation. One trick is to pair cilantro with other strong flavours, like lime, garlic, or chilli, which can help mask the soapy taste. Another technique is to use smaller amounts of cilantro and chop it very finely, so it blends more seamlessly into the dish.
In addition, you might try experimenting with cooking cilantro, as heat can break down some of the aldehydes that cause the soapy taste. Cooked cilantro may have a milder, more palatable flavour that even the most devoted cilantro haters can tolerate. Remember, taste is a deeply personal experience, and it’s all about finding what works for you.
So there you have it! The great cilantro conundrum, solved at last. Whether you’re a cilantro lover or loather, it’s fascinating to learn about the science behind our taste buds and the role that genetics play in our culinary preferences. And who knows? With a bit of experimentation, perhaps even the most ardent cilantro haters can learn to appreciate this controversial herb.
In the meantime, let’s celebrate the diversity of our taste buds and continue exploring the culinary world with open minds and curious palates. After all, it’s our unique genetic makeup that makes food such an exciting and enjoyable adventure. So, until our next flavourful foray, happy eating, my fellow food enthusiasts!
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